Alfredo Martins (Viana do Castelo, 1980)
Graduated in Theater from ESTC, attended the Dartington College of Arts (UK) and the Center of Développement Chorégraphique (FR). Participated in the 2nd edition of the staging course of Gulbenkian, taught by the company Third Angel (2007). In 2008/2009, had a professional internship with the Gob Squad company (Berlin). In 2009, was awarded the Inov-Art scholarship, to work with the Reality Research Center company (FIN). In 2010, was selected for the 19th Edition of La Nouvelle École des Maîtres, directed by Matthew Lenton. He is co-founder and associate artist of TMV, for which he directed the shows “Projecto_Banheira” (2006), “O Nome das Ruas” (2006), “Coisas de Armários” (2008), “URBANIA” (2010), “Nacional-Material, Paisagem com Argonautas” (2011), “OZZZZZ” (2013) and “Días Hábiles” (2017). Frequents the Master in Anthropology - Visual Cultures, at FCSH-UNL.