Sofia Caetano investigates a plastic synesthetic field in which she reflects on the correlation between the natural, the artificial, and the cultural. She is interested in the human impact on nature and how all living beings are mutually constituted and remain in interrelationships in and beyond their longevity.
In recent years, her work has focused on the moving-image and its staging possibilities, but in Existential Karaoke, painting assumes itself as the main medium to discuss the action and resolution of toxicity present in the contemporary world. Concerning multiple ecologies, the show presents a speculation about the artificial modification of nature, the impact of actions and objects produced by the human species during its existence, and the ambivalence of a technology that oscillates between the malignant and the benign, in different contexts and amplitudes. Sofia Caetano's exhibition is a path, literal and metaphorical, guided by a pictorial installation that invites the viewer to engage in an existential karaoke.