Flip lives in [in]definition, of liking to
stick your feet on the earth as much as
to feel them on the water, of tasting the
bittersweet, on existing in the twilight.
His path in music was made on records
and on machines, to spill what we have
(seen) heard and felt. This path started
over 20 years ago, with splendid sights,
along the way, but the best part is that
it is still being made today, made wider,
made differently, always [in]defining!
Tape has been one of the main stirrings
of the clubbing scene on the island of
São Miguel, tireless “azucrinador” of
stuck minds in the past, been able to
consistently succeeded in raising BPM of
sentimental and brave Azorean hearts,
with his sets ruled by fun and good taste.
Flip and Tape team up to close the
last night of the 2019 Walk&Talk party.