Paula Vieira is a doctoral candidate in Education, Philosophy and Childhood at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro under the supervision of Professor Walter Omar Kohan.
Master in Philosophy for Children by the University of the Azores.
Philosophy teacher at Armando Côrtes-Rodrigues High School, Vila Franca do Campo, Azores. In the same organic unit, she coordinates the project Filosofâncias: philosophical research communities, which has brought philosophy and children together since 2015.
Filosofâncias is a space and time in a public school where we believe in the strength of bringing philosophy and children together. Every week, in the school of Vila Franca do Campo, 500 children of all ages gather around the questions on the principle of equality of intelligence. If answers divide people into those who know and those who do not and sometimes shame those who do not know or make mistakes, questions are perhaps more democratic and egalitarian. Questions move us to the place of not-knowing. What is the place of the question in school? What is the place of the question in philosophy? What is the place of the question in childhood?
Filosofâncias is a space and time for gathering, attention, and listening. Can children philosophize? Can adults philosophize? Can children and adults philosophize in a school? What does it mean to philosophize in a school? What does it mean to say that children have a voice? Do all children's voices have the same importance? What does it mean to listen to children's voices? What does it mean to recognize that it is important to listen to children? What do we do with what they tell us? What can happen when schools create spaces and times for children to express themselves? What is the scope of listening to children's voices in a school?