There's the sunset and the sunrise. Every day, in repetition, loop, advanced system of hiding and revealing. This strange body, so far away and so close to what is vital to us. They call it the astro-originator. It's a celestial presence, it's a divider of the heavens, it's an agglomerator of everything. Made of hot, electric particles, over billions, that come to us in a luminous way.
And then there's the rest, what stays, what doesn't leave the place because it has weight and scale. It starts a very rare relationship, between what is resident and what changes every day. To reveal itself and put itself every day is as permanent as residing in one place. Solar focuses on the daily ritual. Among the warm tones it reveals, the boldness with which it commits itself to be the origin of everything. To be there every day, to enter through us, without ever leaving his place.