"Centriphery" is born from the junction of the words center and periphery, and invokes the idea that each periphery is its own center. It is the title and theme of Assembly #10, organized by artists Gustavo Ciríaco (br), Mezzo Atelier (pt/it), Tellervo Kalleinen (fi) and Ovidiu Mihăiță (ro), who are meeting in vaga after a week's residency on the island of São Miguel, integrated in the European project Centriphery*. A conversation to deepen these notions (of center and periphery), in an attempt to explore possibilities and transform perceptions and intentions, between places, geographies and affectivities.
*Centriphery is a collaborative project between nine partner organizations based across Europe, including Walk&Talk - Arts Festival (by Anda&Fala - Cultural Association). Multidisciplinary, inclusive and intergenerational, it brings together artists for a dialogue with citizens and agents based in decentralized regions to investigate Europe's intangible cultural heritage. More information at https://www.centriphery.eu.