Coletiva MALVA, composed of Ellen Pirá Wassu and Mar/ta Espiridião, is a collective that conjoins, in a transdisciplinary way, research, curating and artistic practices to the work of thinking, listening and writing. Coletiva MALVA was born from the coming together of two deep desires to feel, think, listen and return to ancestries. It is from the gathering of Pirá and Mar in Portuguese territory that a desire to deepen forms of relationality that go beyond territories and borders arises. In this search, the collective opens itself to various audiences to experiment with knowledge sharing methodologies, interrogate structures of power and meaning, and establish dialogues between - and with - different perspectives, articulating and nurturing the intersection of shared subjectivities and sensibilities. Coletiva MALVA's project mainly involves developing dissident strategies to resist the end of humanity, and trying to imagine the harbinger of the beginning of other worlds.
Ellen Pirá Wassu is an indigenous person, artivist, poet and researcher of Wassu Cocal origin, seeking to bring together, through artistic, political and poetic practices, performance, activism, criticism, countercolonial studies, essay writing, river bathing and conversations with flowers.
Mar/ta Espiridião is a non-binary person, curator, writer and researcher, who wants to unearth histories and practices of magic and other forms of ritualism erased from the Iberian Peninsula, informed by intersectional feminist theories and queer perspectives that question hegemonic historical constructions.