"We began this Nova Criação (new creation) to form a file, trusting that if we grasped what we were doing, we could look at what has already happened and so, trying not to lose the thread, look for clues that would inform us about what we could build from then on. With each new dance we recorded and projected on the background the footage from the previous dance. From here we developed a scenic device that is a possible materialization of the movement from now to the past and the future. A mise en abyme or temporal tunnel, which allows to see what is repeated and what varies, revealing the path of construction of this piece.
The curious thing is that, excited to respond to the process, we exaggerate, and the more we film ourselves, the more we reproduce and the more we multiply, with the risk of confusing image and reality. Filming is trying to survive, but it's also showing a death. Hence the need for constant reformulation, because we always need to continue. It is not?"